Harvey John
Unit 2 Ferry Wharf
Hove Enterprise Centre
Basin Road North
Portslade, East Sussex
BN41 1BD
Read the latest instalment of our blog series titled ‘Ask a recruiter’, where we share questions we receive about interviews, CVs, the application process and anything our candidates might be concerned or curious about. If you missed our last blog, make sure to check it out: “Are non-compete clauses enforceable?“)
Each week we’ll be answering one question that comes up in conversation with candidates; this week is about flexible working.
A Private Client Solicitor based in Maidstone asks: “What about flexible working?”
I’ve been asked this question a lot, and here at Harvey John, we tend to ask it just as much!
There is still a sense of taboo amongst some when it comes to an application being taken seriously. Especially in the legal sector.
This isn’t the case in today’s market. There’s a definite trend within forward-thinking law firms as they focus on bringing on board and retaining the best talent. Whether they label it ‘agile, flexible, or part-time’ working, it’s the same – acceptance that to be the best, the firm should be working for you just as much as you’re working for them.
As time goes on, questions of whether a move away from the 9-5.30 office-based work week should be implemented across the board seem to gain more support. Research surrounding productivity in the workplace is also gaining momentum. Law firms aren’t ignorant of the changes in the wants and needs of their employees.
Many employers are making active strides to ensure they’re up-to-date with the rise in flexible working.
- Since 2014, all employees have the right to request flexible working
- The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development found over 50% of employees benefit from a better work-life balance with flexible working
- The legal world is evolving – more than 40% of lawyers think flexible working is the biggest benefit when choosing a law firm
- Firms are actively responding to the shift in requirements, especially working from home
- With tech advances and changes in attitude towards part-time work, more lawyers are taking advantage of the benefits than ever
- Many mid- and large-scale firms boast a commitment to flexible working
If you can be more productive in a work week that suits both your needs and your firm’s, they’ll be benefiting just as much as you are.
It’s well worth asking about flexibility if it’s something you want or need from your next role.
If you’re a client, and wondering which key benefits you should be offering, the blog post ‘How to offer top employee perks & benefits’ will be your next go-to read.
Hayley Rose is a Director in the legal division at Harvey John.

Hayley prides herself on her consultative approach and very much working in partnership with both her clients and individual legal professionals. Having worked in private practice as a Solicitor, Hayley brings unparalleled added value to the recruitment process.