Harvey John
Unit 2 Ferry Wharf
Hove Enterprise Centre
Basin Road North
Portslade, East Sussex
BN41 1BD
We have had many conversations with trainees and newly qualified accountants who feel they’re being underutilised in their current roles. Could a career in audit be the answer?
Embarking on an accountancy career having dreamt of something more than preparing the same set of accounts for 3 years in a row. Add in the very limited client contact of course, because they are still not trusted by management!
For some, the choice to become an accountant and undertake such a prestigious qualification is a choice to dream big in the hopes of a high-flying career. Many trainees don’t realise the job role of an accountant varies so much between firms. This is particularly by the area in which they choose to specialise.
If you are a confident, analytical, and business-savvy individual then a career in audit could be right for you…Audit can sometimes gain a bad reputation in smaller regional firms simply because many of them are not designed to provide audit as a service. The audit thresholds were raised significantly in 2016 meaning that many small businesses no longer require a statutory audit at all.
In turn, this has meant that fewer trainees are gaining exposure to the audit process. Which means they cannot gain valuable experience to help further their careers. Trainees in small accountancy practices usually cringe a little inside at the mere suggestion of being asked to help out with a client audit – no training, no support, no clue!
So why am I suggesting it?
The personal development you will gain through client and market exposure is unmatched when it comes to big business. Many successful auditors have outstanding careers that can help open doors for them later on in life.
You should consider specialising in audit, chasing your dreams and building that career you have worked so hard for and deserve.
What are your options?
Broadly speaking, the role of an audit trainee will vary on the size of the firm you work for:
Small firms servicing local businesses and individuals
If your current firm provides audit services to its clients, there will usually be 1 or 2 experienced auditors within the firm depending on its size. As a trainee, you may be asked to assist with small parts of the audit process. This could be the client’s year-end stock take, or by confirming the existence of fixed assets within the client’s company. The audit manager will likely complete all other aspects of the audit process. Your involvement as a trainee will be minimal.
Your usual daily tasks at work will include various accounts preparation for micro-entities, personal tax returns, and bookkeeping assignments. Audit season is usually only once a year and will only be relevant for a minimal number of clients within your firm if at all.
Mid-tier firms servicing larger businesses across a wider geographical area
As the size of clients grows, the accountancy firm usually does too. Many firms of this size will service clients from a wider geographical area by having multiple regional offices. By separating their services by division (e.g. Audit | Tax | Business Services | etc.), each area will have a dedicated team of accountants. That team will provide specialist knowledge and support to their clients. As a trainee, you will become significantly more involved in the audit process, including both the planning and completion stages.
As you progress through the team, you will become responsible for delegating work to junior team members. You’ll be a trusted point of contact for clients. It’s also common to see job roles that include an element of support for another service line – e.g. Mixed Audit Senior role with 80% audit and 20% accounts.
Large Firms servicing large multinationals and global brands
“The Big 4” firms and other notable names within the profession will provide audit services on a much larger scale. Their division-listed structure allows for not only a specialism within accountancy but an even deeper dive into industry-specific sectors e.g. Retail, Energy, Media or Financial Services. As a trainee, you may specialise in one industry sector and will work closely with clients to perform detailed testing of their accounts.
Firms operating on this scale will most likely have a structured route for progression. As new trainees join the firm each year, your position within the team should develop. You will be asked to take on additional responsibility. There is usually no requirement to work across other functions of the firm, and the services you provide will be purely related to the audit.
As you can see…
The role of an audit trainee varies greatly across different types of firms. Therefore don’t let that one bad experience in the early stages of your career put you off!
There are many avenues to explore when it comes to audit. I am well placed to understand the key drivers and possible hurdles that you currently face in your role or what you are perhaps looking to achieve in your next job.
At Harvey John, we pride ourselves on helping people know their options and their worth. If you want to talk about a career in audit or find out about the current audit jobs available in your area, get in touch.