Harvey John
Unit 2 Ferry Wharf
Hove Enterprise Centre
Basin Road North
Portslade, East Sussex
BN41 1BD
On the one hand, securing your first professional role post-graduation is one of the hardest job application processes you’ll ever do because the competition is so fierce. On the other hand, it’s one of the easiest because the focus is purely on you!
Remembering these tips will make all the difference in your interview:
- Research – know the role you are interviewing for. Think about the traits and behaviours you feel are required to be successful in the role. No excuses for not researching the company or people who’ll be interviewing you. This knowledge not only showcases your genuine interest but also positions you as a well-prepared candidate.
- Preparation – think about the types of questions you’re likely to be asked and prepare your answers. Are there group exercises, assessments or a presentation?
- Sell yourself – be in no doubt that there will be competition for the role. Be prepared to sell yourself to the role and the business. Don’t go overboard, strike a balance and avoid coming across as arrogant. no one likes a showoff! Be concise and avoid irrelevant information.
- Appearance – dress accordingly. With your research find out how employees dress. A traditional firm will probably have a different dress code than a tech start-up! So don’t forget the shoe polish or the iron!
Oh, and don’t be late (or too early). It shows respect for others’ time.
Preparation | Preparation | Preparation
When you’ve covered all the bases, all you have to sell is you! Easy right?
Remember, it’s not about being the best candidate; it’s about being the right fit for the role and the company.
We hope these job interview tips will help new graduates with their first post-grad job. For more comprehensive guidance on preparing for your upcoming interview, explore our detailed blog ‘Interview Advice for Graduates’.
Sound career advice. Always under 200 words.
David Waddell is Managing Director at Harvey John.
If you would like to see our company updates and industry insights, follow our LinkedIn page here.
Alongside his commercial responsibilities, David manages the Public Practice division working with boutique practices as well as leading regional and national accountancy firms. He also recruits for commercial senior finance roles with clients ranging from multinational organisations to private equity backed businesses experiencing high growth.