Harvey John
Unit 2 Ferry Wharf
Hove Enterprise Centre
Basin Road North
Portslade, East Sussex
BN41 1BD
Congratulations on making the brave decision to change your job and getting a great offer. Now, as you navigate through the various stages of this professional transition, it’s time to tackle one of the less enjoyable aspects: handing in your notice.
Once you’ve received the official offer letter, schedule a meeting with your current manager to discuss the decision in person. Having a well-drafted letter of resignation ready adds a formal touch to the process, outlining your intention to part ways professionally.
Be prepared for all possible outcomes
Would you accept a counteroffer? Under what conditions? If your decision to leave is firm, ensure you can graciously reject a counteroffer, maintaining respect and professionalism.
This leads us to…
Offering fact-based reasons can contribute to a constructive conversation with your manager. Mainly focus on the future and the opportunities your new role presents rather than dwelling solely on the reasons for departure.
End goal
Reach an agreement on your last day and discuss deliverables between the current date and your final day. Address any additional issues, such as remaining holidays. This clarity is pivotal for a smooth transition and ensures that both you and your current employer are on the same page.
Be professional
Leaving on good terms is not just a courtesy; it could be a strategic move for your future career. You never know when you might need a reference from your current manager. A positive departure can significantly contribute to your professional reputation.
Handing in your notice is about more than just submitting a letter; it’s about managing the transition with grace and professionalism.
Callum Mckenna is an Associate Director in the Finance Division at Harvey John.
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Callum’s expertise lies within assisting both SMEs and large corporations, and he prides himself in his ability to offer a tailored service to both candidates and clients.
In a candidate-driven market, Callum will use his expertise of the accountancy market, to attract and approach the best talent available.