Harvey John
Unit 2 Ferry Wharf
Hove Enterprise Centre
Basin Road North
Portslade, East Sussex
BN41 1BD
Introducing an experienced Senior Finance recruiter to the Harvey John team has been a long-time goal. And our patience has paid off! Andy Wyatt joined us last week.
With extensive experience in recruitment, the majority within accountancy and finance, Andy will focus on Senior Finance jobs, both interim and permanent. While based in the South East, he’s thrilled to have no geographical boundaries on where he can work or with whom!
From Andy:
Harvey John has been on my radar since I started in recruitment in 2006 (eek!), but meeting David earlier this year sealed the deal. I knew right away this would be my new home.
Combining my 18 years in recruitment with David’s 20+ to blend modern methods with classic human-to-human connections is incredibly exciting. Harvey John’s “Most Trusted Accountancy Recruiter in Sussex” award, countless testimonials, and high repeat business rate cemented my faith—this firm is the real deal. Grounded in professionalism, integrity, and true care.”
From David Waddell, Managing Director:
“Over the years we’ve enjoyed success with the senior finance market but with so many professionals within our network, we’ve long had the plan to expand the focus on this area of the market to increase the offering to that trusted network. Andy is that solution! No pressure!
Andy will complement the excellent work that George and Callum do on the more transactional element of the permanent desk as well as Georgina on the temporary and interim side. Oh, and I’m still here too!”
If you haven’t connected with Andy yet, reach out to him on LinkedIn, or drop him an email at andy@harveyjohn.com. Otherwise, he’ll no doubt be in touch over the coming months.